When in Jamaica, you will want to find some keepsakes to remember your trip. Avoid the usual touristy mementos like key chains and magnets and seek out local goods that really capture the island’s essence.
Here are our selections for memorable souvenirs:
Art. Wood carvings, oil paintings and more can be found throughout the island. Resort areas have craft markets where you can find these handmade items, and you can even have the craftsmen customize a piece for you.
Music. Thanks to Bob Marley, Jamaica is known worldwide for its music. Grab some Jamaican CDs so that the infectious island beats will stay with you long after the vacation ends.
Coffee. Gourmets will definitely come home with Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, grown and roasted in Jamaica. The tasty coffee is considered one of the best in the world, and it’s certified by the Jamaica Coffee Board. Some great Blue Mountain brands include: Café Blue, Coffee Traders, Country Traders, Jablum, Marley Coffee and Wallenford.
Rum. For another taste of the island, buy some Appleton Estate, a smooth sipper for summer evenings back home. Appleton Estate is Jamaica’s oldest sugar estate and distillery in continuous production. It’s been crafting rum for more than 265 years.
Beef patties. Once you bite into a flavorful Jamaican beef patty — a popular local snack of pastry shell filled with meat and spices — you’ll be hooked. Fortunately, you can bring home a box of frozen patties.
Cooking essentials. Jerk seasonings and Jamaican cookbooks also make great souvenirs for foodies.