When it comes to road trips, getting to your destination is half of the fun. And if you’re cruising down the charming streets of Cape Cod or traveling via the famed Route 66, you probably will find that the journey to your destination makes for the most memorable moments of a trip. With a map full of diverse highways, America boasts plenty of scenic road-trip routes for the wayfaring spirit. Through the following slideshow, our editors point you in the right direction of the 10 best treks.
- Pacific Coast Highway, California
- Pacific Coast Highway, California
- Going-to-the-Sun Road, Glacier National Park, Montana
- Blue Ridge Parkway, Virginia and North Carolina
- Olympic Peninsula, Washington
- Brandywine Valley, Pennsylvania and Delaware
- Brandywine Valley, Pennsylvania and Delaware
- Cape Cod, Massachusetts
- Cape Cod, Massachusetts
- Columbia River Highway, Oregon
- Red Rock Country, Arizona
- Outer Banks, North Carolina
- Route 66: Chicago to Arizona
- Route 66: Chicago to Arizona
Photos Courtesy of iStock/ Pgiam, Post Ranch Inn, iStock/Laurin Johnson, David Restivo/National Park Service, iStock/WerksMedia, The Biltmore Company, iStock/oksanaphoto, Hastings House Country House Hotel, iStock/AndrewKlafter, iStock/whammer121736, iStock/KenWiedemann, Wequassett, Sumio Koizumi, iStock/Debi Bishop, iStock/JenniferPhotographyImaging, iStock/Luchschen, iStock/MarkVanDykePhotography, iStock/Anthony Hall, iStock/DNY59 and iStock/Giedrius Dagys