You might guess that the biggest advocate for Hollywood sequels, reboots and comic book fodder would be somebody like J.J. Abrams or Kevin Feige. But it may be comedian Paul Reiser. Think about it: the 68-year-old actor can be seen alongside Eddie Murphy in Netflix’s new Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F, a sequel to the smash ’80s franchise the two starred in. You’ll also spot Reiser as you stream sci-fi hits like Stranger Things and The Boys. And when it comes to reboots, well, he was in the hilarious (but now-canceled) Hulu comedy Reboot.
“I never know where the next thing is going to come from,” the L.A.-based Reiser says. “[Reboot] was a phone call [from my agent]: ‘There’s a script. See if you want to do this. It starts next month.’ But I’m happy sitting at home, enjoying myself and enjoying California. And when something comes up that’s worth doing, I’m happy to leave the house.”
Luckily for fans of the Mad About You and My Two Dads star, he has another reason to get out of bed — stand-up comedy. On July 13, Reiser will perform an intimate show at Agua Caliente Palm Springs. Who knows if it’ll lead to other performances? As the following interview suggests, the comedic superhero appears more than content with doing the occasional gig near his couch, filming in Ireland and reading a good book.

What do you love most about life in Los Angeles?
It’s so funny. In my head, I’m still a New Yorker, although I’ve been here far longer than I ever was in New York. A buddy of mine I grew up with in New York and I were out taking a walk one day under the beautiful blue skies and he said, “Why do some people not want to live in California?” It’s a good question, but it’ll be a little too crowded if everybody did that.
I originally came out because it was sort of mandated. Every comedian and actor would find their way West. It’s hard to argue with the beautiful weather. You start to realize why Hollywood was created, when the studio heads first got off a train in 1910 or whatever and saw snow-capped mountains, desert and ocean all within the same view. It’s pretty magical here.
When you don’t have any interview commitments and you don’t have to be on a set, what does an L.A. day look like for you?
Hey, don’t sell yourself short. This is the highlight of my day! I got an interview. I have a reason to get out of bed. Otherwise, I stay in bed and wait till the phone rings. I’m remarkably low-key. I am more than content to just stay home. I’ve been reading a lot and writing. Always working. We’re always working on new material. I go down to the comedy clubs once or twice a week and try out some material.
That’s part of why I was so excited about the Palm Springs show. I went, “Oh, that sounds fun. It’s only a short drive away.” You don’t even have to get on a plane. It gives me a reason to get out of the house. It’s like what George Carlin used to say: “I’ll perform for free. You just got to pay me to go to the airport.” That’s always the part. That’s the least fun — the traveling.

Have you performed at Agua Caliente before?
This is my first time. I was intrigued that they’re going out of their way to create this intimate space [called the Cascade Lounge]. A lot of casinos have big theaters. We all started in comedy clubs, which were 150-, 200- and 300-seat theaters. Well, not theaters; they were rooms. [This venue] sounds like they’re deliberately trying to create this comedy-friendly environment. I love the idea. I’m looking forward to it. I like being able to see people.
Is this part of a larger tour or is this just a one-off gig for you?
I’ve never really been a big tour guy. Last year, I did tape my first special in a long time. I taped in November, so I was out a lot. That felt like a tour. Now I just go out a couple of times a month or every other weekend. I’ll do a show here and there. There’s no real design to it. Sometimes I’ll say, “Let’s turn it up and let’s look more heavily [for gigs].” But, at the moment, it’s really just a fun sort of one-off.
Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F just premiered on Netflix. Tell me about that experience on the set.
I worked on it like two years ago. It took a long time for this to come out. It was sort of surreal because my first day [on the set] was actually the first day of the shoot. It was my first day. It was Eddie’s first day. We just kinda looked at each other like, “This is surreal. It’s 40 years since the first time we did this.” But it was very easy.
I always tell people I knew Eddie from the comedy club way before Beverly Hills Cop. It was very easy to jump in [with the original movie]. It just felt very loose and improvised. And amazingly, 40 years later, it was just as fun and just as easy.

Which medium do you enjoy most?
Doing stand-up is my favorite. I don’t do it anywhere as much as I probably should, but stand-up is my first love. All the guys who started together will probably tell you the same thing. Being in a big hit like Beverly Hills Cop is great, but doing [movies] every day is not as much fun as hearing people laughing in real time. You don’t have to wait two years to find out what works. [Stand-up crowds] will laugh the minute you say it. There’s that real rush. I’m always happy whenever I get a chance to go out and have fun with it.
You have another project, The Problem with People, on the horizon. Did you go to Ireland to shoot that?
That was the whole purpose. I only wrote the movie because I wanted to go to Ireland. I don’t know what the appeal is. I don’t know why I feel that connection [to Ireland], but my wife and I had been like 25 or 30 years ago, and I just loved it. I always wanted to make a movie there. I just loved the people and the vibe of the place. It’s just beautiful. It’s called the Emerald Isle, but you can’t believe how green it is. Every morning we’d drive out in the countryside going, “How could it be this green?” It’s crazy. I know what green is and this is different.
I play an American who goes to meet a long-lost cousin. The goal is they’re going to settle a family feud that’s been going on for generations. The two of us never met. But we knew our grandfathers had a fight. For some reason, the families have been fighting. And we said, “Well, let’s raise a glass and end this silliness.” And of course, it doesn’t go well. That’s why it’s called The Problem with People. No matter how well-intentioned you are, two people will find something to fight about. So, this is a comedic look at that. I’m very proud of it. It’s going to come out in October.

Any other parts of Europe have your heart?
It’s all good. My wife will always be the one to suggest a trip. And I’m going, “Yeah, I’m happy to do it, but I’m also happy to stay here.” I like being home, but when I get tugged somewhere, I go, “Ohhh.”
A couple of years ago, we took our boys to Japan. That was fascinating. It’s such another world. It’s so different. It was beautiful. Last summer, my wife and I went to Amsterdam for the first time. That was magical. It’s just a beautiful, beautiful city. I don’t sit here and have a wish list, but when I get myself off the couch and go somewhere, I’m always happy I do.